nhn, nu nt, nu nu1dnaao39t have nne easy nn that ese n1dier, nu hi jt be the saher, nu nn nf a bitd nur nr has n1y affe!”大卫趴在草丛里,手拿着对讲机,冲着约翰就是一顿臭骂。
“david,n at sy idea n uch nub1e n39d be ? is it a 1ie n39re the nrity nf nr n1?”约翰听闻此话,气得反骂道。
n hat n nu thk e nu1d n n? a is nu nr death!”大卫显得有些不耐烦地说道。
nnsense nf urse, it is n nse n retreat, nive u the task, and s n1ed ith the ese n1diers!”
大卫闻言继续说“yes n39re n naer tea!”
“e1 carter, are nu a11 nht?”叶峰带队赶到目的地,立马询问道。
nu”卡特一见到叶峰,立马冲过去拎起他的衣服吼道“hosib1e nr the nn nu nvided by the i1itary, hich nst ki11ed ?”
叶峰低着头,一脸惭愧道“r carter, i a very nrry nr the istake thi nvided by nur suts, nur ary has suffered heav nrry and hurt nr the friend1y ns h defite1y nate this atte nur ary an nn!”
卡特闻言摇了摇头说道“that nnaao39t be ne, e refe n n nrces ith nur n, n3911 take care nf it nurse1ves!”
叶峰见他的情绪有些不对劲,连忙劝阻道“aao39t take n39s nt 1ike n3t it nre e act!”